You're in...
Welcome to the program!

Please watch this outline of my goals for you in the program, then completeĀ the 3Ā steps below.


Complete on enrollment day:


**MUST DO** Add our email address to your safe senders list.

If you don't, your Daily Emails will go into your spam or 'promotions' folder. Kindly avoid emailing us that you haven't received your daily email without checking these first.

Right now, find our "Welcome" email and add this address to your list. For guidance:

Whitelist Guide


Establish a "daily routine space" in your home: ideally a firm floor in a quiet area where you can focus for 15 mins each morning. Leave a yoga mat/towel there.

Complete "My Commitment" and post it somewhere youā€™ll see it every day. If you don't have a printer, write it down.

Prove to yourself that you can push through any resistance. Take a specific action for a certain amount of time, and it will become a habit. You must BELIEVE you can do this.

My Commitment


FinishĀ todayĀ by completing 2 lessons.

Tomorrow your first Daily Email will arrive at 4am EST. You'll receive an email each day as we build your daily routine.

Note: This program does not allow skipping ahead, as it is detrimental to the movement retraining process. Every lesson is built on the skills that precede it.

Breathing Lesson